Monday, April 18, 2011

Lady Gaga Slammed by Latino Groups Over Upcoming Portrayal of Mary Magdalene, Catholicism


Lady Gaga and controversy? Say it ain't so.

This time, the convention-flouting pop diva has drawn the ire of three Arizona Latino groups for her upcoming video, "Judas," in which Gaga portrays Mary Magdalene, saying that it is an affront to Catholicism.

The groups are "Chicanos Unidos Arizona," "Take Back Aztlán" and "Nuestros Reconquistos."

“Why can’t Lady Gaga pretend to be Muhammad?" said Cecilia Maldonado of Chicanos Unidos Arizona, according to "Now, that would be very brave!

"It’s so easy to knock Catholicism and Christianity these days, especially if you have absolutely no musical talent whatsoever," Maldonado said. "Lady Gaga is Lady Caca.”

The lyrics for "Judas" have been leaked online, which give insight into what the song will be about.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm in love with Judas," the song begins over a 'sledgehammering dance beat.'

"Judas! Judas Judas! Judas! Judas! Judas Judas! GAGA!" the chorus concludes.

“Her song "Express Yourself" already referred to Latina women as ‘cholas.’ She has already shown what a bigot she is. Now, she is going after Catholics?" said Manual Longoria of Nuestros Reconquistos.

And its not just Latino groups who are upset with the outrage-courting performer.

“People have real talent, and then there is Lady Gaga,” said Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, according to

“I find Gaga to be increasingly irrelevant,” Donohue added. “Is this the only way to jet up her performance? This isn’t random, we are getting closer to Holy Week and Easter.”

But despite the uproar, Gaga will most likely get the last laugh because of all the attention "Judas" has garnered. One of the song's lyrics could even be directed at her detractors.

"I’m just a Holy Fool. Oh, baby, he’s so cruel. But I’m still in love with Judas, baby."

Source Adrian Carrasquillo


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