Sunday, June 5, 2011

Avoid alcohol and still be well liked

You don’t drink, and that’s ok. For whatever reason, you’ve decided that alcohol will not be your BFF, or even that person on Facebook who randomly pokes you on your birthday. You may be a recovering alcoholic, swear it off for religious reasons, or just not like how it can make you fat, lazy, and loose-lipped. Regardless of your reasons for steering clear of the sauce, you’ve no doubt been in social situations in which alcohol seems to be present, if not celebrated.

Now I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but some people might see your avoidance of the sauce as arrogance or self-righteousness. It’s probably neither, but just to be sure, here is a list of social situations, and how to avoid alcohol in them, while still being the well liked person that I know you are.

Fancy Restaurant: You went out with your friends/partner/spouse to a ritzy restaurant, and the sommelier introduces the wine list.

Solution: Say “nothing right now, thank you.” The sommelier will understand, and in his mind you didn’t completely rule his services out. Now use that money you saved on the wine to upgrade your entrée. Or since you didn’t spend money (or calories) on wine, go ahead and get that dessert you wanted.

Thanksgiving/Christmas/Other Family Celebration Day: It’s the day that we celebrate, you know, that thing that happened to our country/deity that’s important to us. Your family insists on having a drink to celebrate.

Solution: Drive there. Be a designated driver and have an excuse to be entertained taking your toasted loved ones home. If you didn’t drive, just say that you don’t drink. They’re your family, they’ll understand. Be sober and chatty, and take pride in the fact that you’re not that family member who had a few too many and made the comment that made everyone else gasp in horror.

Wedding: Everyone wants to raise a glass of cheap champagne to the couple, and get bombed with you at the open bar.

Solution: Dance a lot. People will remember you as the fun person who wouldn’t get off the dance floor, not that comatose fool who threw up on the bathroom floor.

Happy Hour/Night Out with the Friends: Alright, it’s the end of finals/end of work week/night when we let loose. You know what that means! People are going to be doing shots and chugging back beers all around you. No. Wait. Not you. You don’t drink, but your pals insist that you do.

Solution: Say you’re on meds. Or, say you’re nursing a nasty hangover from an outing last night.

If you’re confident, any truthful explanation will work around good people. Just make sure not to be condescending about it. The same way you wouldn’t want to be ribbed for being a teetotaler, your compadres don’t want to hear a soliloquy on sobriety. So relax and kick back with a batido. You’re still cool.

Source  Eric Jude Cortes
Image Wieght Loss Tips


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