Monday, July 18, 2011

Why the Marc and Jennifer divorce [surprisingly] matters to me

When the news of Marc and Jennifer’s impending separation hit the media last week, I must admit that I ignored it as I do most celebrity gossip. As a matter of fact, as the chief content officer of this magazine, I would normally reject any proposals for someone to write about it.

Those who know me and see this title, will assume that it’s written tongue-in-cheek and will be as surprised as I was at what I’m about to say.  But as the weekend wore on and the talk continued, I started seeing it less as gossip, and more as two people who are now left with the job of mourning their relationship and figuring out the custody of their children. They’re on their way to becoming a statistic. A couple, both successful in their own right, that could not make it work.

Very few were surprised; many claim they predicted the demise of their relationship as soon as they tied the knot. I find that sad. I find that it’s a sad statement on our society that we almost cheer on the fall of the very celebrities we help to elevate to fame.

Though I have a lot of respect for both Marc and Jennifer, I’m not a huge fan of either one, but I was really rooting for their relationship to work for various reasons.

    * I wanted to see that a relationship, where both parties had varying degrees of professional success, could stand the test of time.
    * As a professional woman who has focused more on career than relationships, I wanted to see that a woman could truly have it all because if she could do it, maybe I could too.
    * Most of all, I wanted to see a positive example of a Latino relationship and Latino success in the media.

But it’s not to be and I respect that they tried. I’m disappointed, but I see celebrities for what they are: flawed humans. And though we envy their fame and fortune, at the end of the day neither of those things can buy the happiness we all seek.

Source Libby Juliá Vázquez


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