Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Beauty Queen Claims She Lost Her Title Over Six Pounds

A Mexican beauty queen is crying foul after she was stripped of her title – and she claims it was because she put on a mere six pounds.

Last September, Cynthia de la Vega was first runner up for Nuestra Belleza Mexico, a position that normally goes on to compete in Miss World. (The contest's winner competes in Miss Universe.) A slightly more curvaceous de la Vega held a press conference last week claiming she was a victim of overzealous pageant organizers, who booted her for going a little heavy on the food and gaining a few pounds. 

On Tuesday, she appeared on Good Morning America saying she was “sad and very deceived.”

“I cried and cried and cried,” she told the show. The 19-year-old said all she wants is to represent her country. The pageant’s move disqualifies her from being a contender of the Miss World contest, which is in November.

But pageant officials say her removal had nothing to do with a chunkier de la Vega. Instead, they said, her title was stripped because she showed a lack of discipline and failed to meeting the ceremonial obligations of a well-behaved beauty queen.

“The training of a beauty queen is equivalent to the training of an athlete – there is no cutting corners on sleep, a zero tolerance for alcohol, and long hours of preparation,” Lupita Jones, Mexico’s first Miss Universe winner, who now heads Nuestra Belleza.

Keeping de la Vega “was a risk we couldn’t take,” Jones said.

De la Vega denies not fulfilling her obligations, and told Telediario’s "Tras los Famosos" television show that Jones portrayal of her was “not who I am.”

If de la Vega is right, it wouldn’t be the first time a beauty queen has lost her title over some extra calories.

Earlier this year, 17-year-old Domonique Ramírez, who won Miss San Antonio, caused a stir when she was allegedly told by pageant officials to “get off the tacos.” She was stripped of her title for supposed conduct unbecoming of a beauty queen, but she later sued and won her crown back.

Although the verdict made the size two Ramírez eligible to run for Miss Texas, she declined to do so.

Source Foxnews latino


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