Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Can dance treating the symptoms of depression?

You can dance you make your way out of depression? There is evidence that dance is effective in relieving symptoms of depression. Although formal studies have been limited to this, one study done last, that a small group of participants, salsa dance class lasted nine weeks showed significantly lower depression scores after completing their classes. If these results apply only to dance salsa or do all kinds of dancing has a positive benefit of treatment of depression?

In addition to depressed people to dance salsa in the study, was their self-esteem by learning new skills increased. This may have positive effects on symptoms of depression. In addition, a simple process of interaction with other participants on a social basis could be a little therapeutic. Depressed individuals often isolate themselves socially, and perhaps more, to treat the symptoms of depression. If you can contribute to a history of depression to look for alternative treatment, without medication, you should consider the course in dance in your area. Although salsa dancing in the dance was used in this study, there are other forms of dance at a rapid pace that can have positive effects on brain biochemistry. In addition, the dance is usually by music, upbeat optimist who could change slightly improved biochemistry of the brain in a positive way. Despite a dance class would be ideal for potential treatment of depression due to social interaction involved, you can help and video dance at home to relieve their discomfort. All you will pass on the couch and start positive effect on symptoms of depression. Select a video to dance to the music, live fast to help elevate your mood better. It is important you at least 30 minutes of dance, to raise, at most in the mood to get benefits. It is important that the medications prescribed for your depression can continue if you have been instructed to take these from your doctor, but dancing is another step, very natural to further improve the conventional treatment of your depression.

Source dancestarza academy


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