Monday, December 12, 2011

3 Paths To Holiday Love

Single this holiday season? Here are some great ways to get on the path to romance.

The Holidays. The perfect time for romance. As a dating coach and matchmaker, I find that it's one of my busiest seasons. There's something about crackling fires and the smell of pine and glitter that seems to trigger the feeling in us that screams for affection and companionship. It reminds us of hearth and home, and gets both sexes warmed right up for more than just a quick fling. This, is why the Christmas season is the perfect time to look for love! Here's three great places to start:

1. Get on the guest list. Open yourself up for a killer party season! Say yes to every invite and gather up your most feminine and fabulous holiday dresses. Skip black pantsuits and ballerina flats, and get out there with your hair soft and down and your pretty high heels. Don't be afraid to go alone and don't be afraid to share that you're single. It does not indicate that you're pathetic. It signals that you're ready for dates, and open to wonderful possibilities. If you don't have a pile of parties to go to, volunteer for things that you're passionate about and check Meetup for fun holiday events!

2. Call your girlfriends. Invite them to lunch, one by one. While out, let them know that this year, your goal is to date and find love. Then, don't ask them to set you up, because that will create awkwardness for both of you. Simply say, "If you have any ideas on things I can do to meet more fabulous men, I would love your help whenever you think of them!" This signals to your friends that you're available, and looking, and while they're at all their holiday parties, they will naturally begin to scout for single men for you. This way, there's no pressure, but they will become automatic matchmakers.

. Utilize social media. I wouldn't recommend Twitter for drumming up dates, but Facebook can be an amazing tool! First, check your profile and your security settings. Make sure that others can see that you're single, and make sure that your main facebook photo is visible to the public, and follows these guidelines. Next, scan your posts for things that you wouldn't want a potential date to see. If you're an excellent baker, post things about Christmas cookies instead of how drunk you got the night before. Next, begin scanning your friend's friend lists for men that interest you. A quick message to a friend that says, "Wow! You're Facebook friend ________ is so handsome! Is he single?" is all you need to do. Most friends will pick up the ball from there for you and do some legwork, leaving you out of the aggressive position, but open to far more possibilities than you had before. It's also a subtle way of letting the rest of your friends know that you're available and looking. You may get a response back that says. "No, but _______ is!"

Above all, embrace the joy of the holidays and let your happiness show through. Warm, happy and kind people are so much more attractive. If you need more help, you can consider hiring a dating coach like myself, or visit my online Dating Forum to ask questions and share your dating stories!

SOURCE Jaime Richards


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