Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why Justin Bieber Never Believed In Santa Claus

Though his Christmas album Under the Mistletoe currently sits at the No. 4 spot on the Billboard 200, it turns out Justin Bieber never actually believed in Santa Claus.

That's not to say anyone who sings about the holiday must believe in Old Saint Nicholas. In fact, some of the most popular Christmas songs of all time -- "White Christmas" and "Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!" come to mind -- were actually written by Jews. That said, it still surprised us to hear Bieber explain his disbelief to AOL Music.

If I grew up knowing about Santa then finding out he wasn’t real, that it would be like she was lying to me. And then when she told me about God, I maybe wouldn’t believe her. So she just wanted to be straight-up and honest with me all the time. But I didn’t tell my friends or ruin it for anyone — I was a good kid! Because really: Who needs an overweight and old bearded guy in a red suit, when you can believe in a ripped, all-mighty bearded man who may or may not have created the earth?

Adam Wenger
I'm an Associate Editor Zimbio, Inc., and resident Canadian. Follow me on Twitter.


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