Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jennifer Lopez v. Cameron Diaz: Who is the Diva Now?

You know what I hate? I hate people who pretend that every time they see you it is the first time you have ever met. Really? We're going to play that game?  (I am talking to you - the girl who takes spin classes at YAS. Let's not pretend we haven't had the same conversation on about 5 occasions).

Jennifer Lopez strikes me as that kind of person. It's the same kind of person who refuses to take their sunglasses off inside.

New York Daily News' Gatecrasher column reports "Jennifer Lopez is keeping to herself these days - at least on movie sets. A source on the location yesterday of "What to Expect When You're Expecting," which stars the recently separated Lopez along with a slew of other A-listers, tells us the 42-year-old "wouldn't talk to anyone directly" on the Piedmont Park set in Atlanta, and would converse with people only "through her handler."

From this week's Star Magazine:

“Jennifer and Cameron don’t like each other,” an insider tells Star. “They don’t interact much, but when they do, the tension is thick.”

“Cam also annoyed by Jennifer’s huge entourage, which includes her mom, three assistants, makeup and hair people and her manager. She made a snide comment to the effect of, ‘How many people does it take for one woman to film a simple scene?’”

Cameron, 38, has even taken a shot at the acting skills of [J.Lo]… “She said Jennifer has a lot to learn and made a dig about how she’d be better off sticking to her day jobs - meaning singing and judging Idol…”

She does have a point. If you need a team of seven to film two minutes of dialogue for a movie that no one will see, you have significantly increased your high maintenance factor.

Let's recap.

She uses a handler to conduct all of her conversations for her and she runs with an entourage of at least seven deep on set.

At some point wouldn't it become pretty obvious that you had become a total jack-hole? If you can't leave home without your eyebrow guy or you've hired a third assistant to juggle your bangle bracelet collection you might have some serious issues. More importantly what does that say about you that you need someone else to speak for you? I agree, sometimes it would be nice to have someone chat with your in-laws on your behalf, but to have that same person ask the store manager on what aisle you can find the tampons or explain to the craft service worker that cauliflower gives you gas. Not an ideal situation.

Source loveandknuckle


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