Monday, September 12, 2011

Salsa Dancing With Strangers

What is your favorite kind of dancing?  Have you tried SALSA DANCING?

Salsa dancing is a syncretic dance.  Guys lead, ladies follow.  The leader and the follower are equally as important.  It is the perfect balance of spontaneity and control.  As long as you keep your basic steps and work with your partner, the only rule to follow is to enjoy yourself and move those hips!

Aside from all the fun, it also contributes to your personal growth.  If you have fear of meeting new people and want to change that for good, I could not recommend a better activity than salsa dancing.  Here’s why:

The moves are very intimate and sexy.  It is the beauty of salsa.  As you follow or lead your partner, you focus on the style and technique. The initial “uncomfortable” feeling becomes unimportant.


How often do you make eye contact with other people in your everyday life?  Making eye contact is a skill that is linked to self-confidence.  If you get used to looking at your partner in the eye in that close range, you can make eye contact with anyone, therefore being more confident to meet anyone.


Salsa dancing is a great way to meet new people and practice getting comfortable with it.  If you have fear of meeting new people, go to a salsa event.  You will soon be on the dance floor with a complete stranger, making eye contact in close range, holding each other intimately, all the while you are in sync in your steps and turns, and moving your hips.

Give salsa dancing a try.  It’s SEXY, FUN and ENGAGING.  To top that off, it’s also a great workout.  Trust me, you will LOVE it!

Source claireshin


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