Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Holt Renfrew Collection- LG Canadian Fashion Week 2011"

We were among the delight­ful lot last night at LG Fash­ion Week’s invite-only open­ing night fea­tur­ing the most cov­eted Cana­dian brands show­ing their lat­est col­lec­tions to help us bun­dle up in style yet again when the snow comes round next winter.

On the ros­ter for the evening was Holt Ren­frew’s pick of Cana­dian design­ers includ­ing Wings + Horns, Pink Tar­tan, Twenty Cluny, Smythe, Todd Lynn, Denis Gagnon, Greta & Ezra Con­stan­tine, Lida Baday, Canada Goose, and Jeremy Laing, along with IZMA’s fash­ion­ably furry show, and JUMA’s stun­ning inti­mate stu­dio presentation.

After Jeanne Beker and Robin Kay’s heart­felt intro­duc­tions and a cutesy lit­tle video fea­tur­ing the entire Holts staff lip-syncing Bachman–Turner Overdrive’s 1973 throw­back “Takin’ Care of Busi­ness”, the mod­els, sep­a­rated by designer, went calmly down the runway, styled specif­i­cally to suit each design aesthetic.

IZMA was up next with a sparkling array of gar­ments uti­liz­ing chif­fon, vel­vet, and of course the fluffi­est most lux wild Cana­dian fur. This being our first per­sonal intro­duc­tion to Izzy Camil­leri and Adrian Mainella’s lus­cious col­lec­tion, we were a lit­tle bit in awe and left espe­cially dig­ging the dra­matic shim­mer­ing floor length gowns paired per­fectly with a fluffy fox fur coat as well as the metal­lic blocked fur dresses and coats.

Last, but def­i­nitely at the top of our books was Alia and Jamil JUMA’s fall 2011 col­lec­tion which we’ve been obsess­ing over ever since we saw this teaser video last month. Pre­sented in a new stu­dio area this time around, we fil­tered around the rec­tan­gu­lar run­way, find­ing our seats to the tune of Twin Shadow. Fol­low­ing last sea­sons infor­mal pre­sen­ta­tion at the Spoke Club, we were delighted to see they decided to show the col­lec­tion, inspired by exotic trav­els to Tibet, Thai­land, and Shen­zhento, in a more for­mal light.

After the show we bumped shoul­ders back­stage with Isis Salam of Thun­der­heist before briefly gush­ing with the design­ers about their cur­rent col­lec­tion before they pre­pare to head back to China in a few weeks. Def­i­nite hits of the col­lec­tion were the black lit multi-coloured knit pieces drawn from those used for cen­turies in win­ter by Tibetan moun­tain peo­ple, worn by the men with black lace up Red Wing Boots and lay­ered on the girls inter­mit­tently amongst the dis­torted silk tapes­try that’s become the sig­na­ture JUMA look.

Source sidewalkhustle
Image: Salsa Circuit


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